Board of Directors

Dora Moita

President of the Board of Directors of INCM, SA

Graduated in Applied Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics, by the Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa.

Consultant at Accenture Portugal (1992-2006) in the Public Administration group, having collaborated on several projects regarding tax reform, registry and notary modernization, evolution of the CTT logistics platform and some of the Simplex initiatives launched by the Agency for Administrative Modernization, among others.

Member of the Board of Directors of Accenture (2006-2015), responsible for the functional solutions area for the Public Administration and Health sector of Accenture Portugal and Angola.

Operational Officer (COO) of the Social Security Sustainability and Management Plan (PSGSS) carried out for Social Security in Angola (2015-2017), a structuring project for the modernization of the Social Security System.

Invited speaker in several national events in the scope of the Portuguese Public Administration.

He was part of several working groups of APDSI – Portuguese Association for the Development of the Information Society, highlighting, in 2003, the study “Identification of the basic processes of the Public Administration of interest to citizens and economic agents.

Nuno Guerra Santos

Member of the Board of Directors of INCM, SA

Duarte Azinheira

Member of the Board of Directors of INCM, SA

General Assembly Board

Ana Paula
Costa Ribeiro


Tânia Sofia
Luís Mineiro

Vice President

Catarina Charters de A. Marques F. Homem


Fiscal Council

Maria Helena Maio Ferreira de Vasconcelos


António Manuel Garcês de Almeida


Carlos Manuel Amorim Fernandes


da Silva


Statutory Auditor

Carlos António Lisboa Nunes


Pedro Miguel Raposo Lisboa Nunes

Alternate ROC

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