The site was developed with its customers and users in mind, to ensure the best practices in terms of accessibility, performance, functionality, and quality.
With the objective of building a site inclusive, where information is made available to all in a clear and transparent way, every effort has been made to provide its users and customers with more accessible content and services, regardless of the type of software, hardware, network infrastructure, language, geographical location, or special needs that may exist.
In producing this site, we sought to overcome the various constraints and difficulties that may eventually restrict full and complete access to information and to the various functionalities, namely visual, hearing, motor, cognitive, speech, language, learning, and neurological difficulties.
Thus, the following standards and best practices were promoted:
- Implementation of best practices and guidelines in terms of accessibility (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), ensuring:

a) W3C WAI-AA (WACG 2.0) content accessibility – Compliance level AA, or Priority 2;
b) compliance with W3C standards for XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.
- Content and functionalities available in the various existing browsers, with a similar user experience and visualization, thus ensuring greater usability;
- Improved content access times due to the use of style sheets instead of tables to structure the information, providing less content weight and ensuring better performance;
- Content with information structured through titles and lists;
- Clear identification of the language of the contents;
- Development of content based on relative and never absolute measures, ensuring the proper adaptation to screens with different resolutions and resizing of its elements, also through browser options.