Obeying the general principles of public nature without neglecting its particular vocation, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda (INCM) aims at improving the performance of its public attributions or those it exercises under the use of State authority powers, acting in actual business logic so that it can respond in an efficient, profitable and competitive way, from which it stands out:

Free availability of the official version of the Diário da República

Coin production

Contrasting services

Publishing and co-publishing of works of particular cultural relevance

Issuing Security Identification Documents
The contractual terms for the production of currency, free availability of the electronic edition of the Diário da República, and the provision of contrasting services are set out in a Decree Law.
Through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 188/2008 of November 27, the INCM is charged with, within the scope of its editorial policy, reinforcing the diffusion of works in the Portuguese language and representative of the Portuguese culture.
The editorial activity is defined by the Editorial Board, composed of 7 to 10 members, one of whom is appointed by the Minister of Culture and the others elected by the General Assembly, based on a proposal from the Board of Directors, with the choice falling on personalities of literary, artistic, and cultural recognized ability.
Numismatic activity is defined in the Numismatic Council, composed of 7 to 10 members, one of whom is appointed by the Minister of Finance and another by the Governor of Banco de Portugal. The others are elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders, based on a proposal from the Board of Directors.